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Aluminum 2011

Grade Summary: Aluminum 2011 is the most free machining of the common aluminum alloys with excellent mechanical properties. It is widely used for automatic screw machine products in parts requiring extensive machining. It may be machined at high speeds with relatively heavy feeds. Its corrosion resistance is good with excellent hardness and strength.

Applications: High speed automatic screw machine parts.

Typical Chemical Analysis:

  • *Cu – 5.0/6.0 *Si – 0.4 Max. *Fe – 0.7 Max. *Zn – 0.3 Max. *Bi – 0.2/0.6 *Pb – 0.2/0.6 *Al-Remainder

Typical Mechanical Properties**:

  • Tensile Strength (PSI) 55,000
  • Yield Point (PSI) 43,000
  • Elongation*** 15

* Ranges shown are for .750″ size and under- Chemical Analysis will vary on each heat number
** All values are minimum values and are representative.
*** In 2” using 1⁄2” Round Bar

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